Meet Our Team
Coleen Kennedy
Debbie Elliott
The Prez. She presented the idea of this fundraiser to some friends and recruited help to make her dream come alive. Coleen has ideas of her own but mostly works to keep the team flowing in a forward motion.
The Auction Chick. She has an incredible ability to procure some of the best auction and raffle items this side of the Mississippi. She also works to bring in sponsorship funds and does zillions of other things.
Jenny Waller
The Website Lady. Jenny works to keep our website running smoothly and researches and implements all our “computery” stuff. Jenny also coordinates
our volunteers, which requires Herculean effort with the
millions of moving parts in an event this size.
Kelly Redding
The Décor Extraordinaire. Kelly brings all our visions to the
table, sometimes literally (centerpieces anyone?). She makes our event space shine with her craft abilities and creativity. She also supports the financial and clerical aspects of the planning.
Heather Harris
The Girl Friday. Heather offered to help during the 2018 event planning and never looked back.She is our multitasking machine, picking up whatever falls through our fingers and making sure everything moves along as intended, keeping us sane(ish) and acting as a safety net when our juggling gets out of control.
Shane Elliott
The Logical One. Shane wasn’t an official part of the planning
team for the 2018 event, but he was invaluable during setup, throughout the event, and during breakdown. His attendance and assistance led him to join us as an official part of our team. Shane will behandling all the logistics for the 2019 event!
Jill Rose
The Newbie. Jill attended the 2018 event and had a blast. She was so passionate about our mission that she offered to help! She is assisting in some capacity in almost every area: allowing the use of her tech equipment for various projects, using her tech knowledge and organizational skills to help with the auction donations, and so much more. Jill will also be organizing our registration area.
Jan Todd
The Socialite. She is the most recognizable figure in animal welfare community and we were pleased as punch when she chose to join us in building a bigger, better Whiskeys for Whiskers for 2019. If you’ve never met Jan, you still likely know her to see her. She graces nearly every rescue event in the Upstate and supports the community in too many ways to list! Jan’s talent and influence will certainly make everything about our next event even more awesome!